The Best System For Customized & Automated Workflows with People®!

Setting the workflow manually is time-consuming. Hence, People® offers you the best HR automation software. We have made the Human Resources workflow processes smooth for all the users. People® HR process automation is built to make things simple and fast. With many automated features, you can now enjoy your HR process workflow to the fullest, as you will never cross any deadline!

Let’s see the best features you will experience with People® Customized & Automated Workflows:

Automated Workflows: Built for the process to be simple and fast with multiple and easy-to-use features to make your daily work more efficient.

Notifications: Receive notifications related to you so that you always finish your work before the deadlines.

Customize: Easily customize your workflow as the task changes. This is the best build to keep your performance in the most desirable position.

Start your journey of the smart and error-free process with People® now! Click for more details!

The best system to manage Leave and Attendance!

We always feel troubled when we apply for a holiday. Just like us, even the approver is troubled. As the approver has to go through certain formalities before approving your leaves, the entire approval process may take longer.

So, what if we have a system that can help us, and the approvers to check and approve leaves faster? Wouldn’t that be a quick process? It may seem easy, but managing Absence and Attendance Tracking, checking Logging Time and Attendance, setting Annual Leave Entitlements, and booking holidays are not as easy as they sound like.

Hence, we have People® for the rescue!

With People®, applying for leaves, and managing all the attendance records will be more flexible. People® is one of its kind leave and attendance management software that offers you a surpassing user experience! With People® leave and attendance management, you can manage the leaves and attendance from any device! People® employee attendance and leave management system is the best software that offers you to plan and approve leaves easily and track the attendance in a single click! Hence, when it comes to using the most suitable leave and attendance management system, go for People®!

Let’s see what features does the People® Leave and Attendance Management System has to offer for you!

Absence and Attendance Tracking: Easily track the absence and attendance of each employee.

Easy Clock-in and out: You can manually clock in and out using mobile and web applications.

Automatic clock-in and out: When the employee enters inside the geo-fence, they will automatically get clocked-in, and out when exiting the geo-fence

iBeacon: Employees will get clocked-in when they reach the Ibeacon range.

QR Code-based clock in and out: Easily clock-in and out by scanning the QR code.

Google maps capturing: The lat/long and address from Google maps can be captured while the employees clock-in and out.

Biometric: When the employees clock in and out easily via biometric, the same gets automatically registered in the system.

Comments: Employees, especially the sales executives can add comments while they clock in and out.

Logging Time and Attendance: Easily manage your employee’s time and attendance with inbuilt features to manage the timesheets, work pattern, Tapin/Tapout (web and mobile-based)

Annual Leave Entitlement: The simplest way to set the annual leave entitlement cycle.

Book Holidays: Plan your holidays and get them approved faster. This feature offers you easy navigation to book your leaves.

Why wait! Click now to contact us!

The most trustworthy Payroll Management System!

When you run a business with 1000s of employees working with you, it is not easy to manage all the payroll-related activities manually. There is always a risk of losing the vital data which is stored on your computer. Also, your employees in the HR department cannot physically do the payroll activities for 1000s of your employees. Doing things manually may result in tremendous man-hours and risk of errors.

Many companies design their software for payroll. However, everyone is aware of the kind of maintenance a payroll software may require. There is again a risk of data misplacement or hacking.

For all the above problems, there is one accurate solution! We at People® have designed the perfect HRMS that can simplify your daily HR needs.

The payroll feature of People® is one of the best features you can ever see in any other software. Hence, People® is being used by many companies listed in the Fortune 500s!

By using the People® payroll feature, one can easily view and generate payroll for the employees based on the predefined salary structure. You can also download a salary register and all salary slip in a go. Also, in just a single click, one can view historical payroll information and auto PF and ESIC calculations.

So why wait to enter the world of smart HR operations? Click now for more info!

Your Payroll Process will become faster and error-free with People®!

When you administer a company with 1000s of employees working with you, it is not easy to manage all the payroll related activities manually. There is always a risk of losing the vital data which is stored on your computer.

Various companies create their software for payroll. However, everyone is knowledgeable about the set of preserving payroll software. There is again a prospect of data misplacement or hacking.

Also, your employees in the HR department cannot physically do the payroll activities for 1000s of your employees. Doing things manually may result in tremendous man-hours and risk of errors.

For all the above problems, there is one accurate solution! We at People® have designed the perfect HRMS that can simplify your daily HR needs.

The payroll feature of People® is one of the best features you can ever see in any other software. Hence, People® is being used by many companies listed in the Fortune 500s!

By using the People® payroll feature, one can easily view and generate payroll for the employees based on the predefined salary structure. You can also download a salary register and all salary slip in a go. Also, in just a single click, one can view historical payroll information and auto PF and ESIC calculations.

So why wait to enter the world of smart HR operations? Click now for more info!

People® offers you a comfortable experience while you Work From Home!

Many companies still choose to work from home to avoid bringing COVID-19 at home. It is the safest thing to do.

However, some companies have started their offices with reduced staff. This means, 30% (more or less) of employees will operate from the office and the rest from home.

It is very challenging for the HR department to know and churn the employees, turn by turn.

Having a perfect HRMS can be a lifesaver in this case. An HRMS that follows you while you work from home or office.

We are talking about a stable HRMS which is easy to use with multiple features.

There are many such HRMS present today. However, the most trusted and affordable one is the People®!

You can work easily on People®, thanks to the multiple features, which allow the HRs, the Managers, and the employees to use it.

People® offers you features like Payroll, automated and customized workflows, manager access, employee performance, report designer, training matrix, holiday planning and absence tracking, applicant tracking system, employee self-service, task list, alerts, and reminders, and employee clock in and out.

People® offers you the best desktop and mobile version of this software so that it becomes really easy for you to keep going even in the toughest times.

People® is affordable, customizable, easy to use, and is the most trusted HRMS present in the market today. It is liked, used, and recommended by many such companies that are listed in the fortune 500s.

So why wait? Contact us now and work freely from home or office! Click to contact us!

HRMS that provides all solutions in one place!

Unlike many other HR management software present in today’s market, People® is one of the favorites amongst all!

There are certain reasons in People® that make it a perfect software for companies to manage multiple activities. But the biggest reason is its user-friendliness and futuristic features that make People® stand apart from all the other software!

People® is made of all the bits HR has been missing for years. It’s us giving you the stuff we never had but wished we did. It’s a revolution, and we’re proud to have started it. Hence, let’s go through the article that will interest you and give you the needed information about People®!

Everything you need to know about HR Management software:

People® is made of all the bits HR has been missing for years. It’s us giving you the stuff we never had but wished we did. It’s a revolution, and we’re proud to have started it. People® is a unique yet friendly HR system software that has transformed human resource management software to its core for better and flawless performance! People® is built to simplify your daily HR activities for a transcendental experience in your daily work activities!

People® is used by many clients worldwide and is described as a modernized HR system software, human resource management software, HR management software, employee management system, & the best performance management system in its class!

There are plenty of other reasons why companies like to use People® in their daily work activities. We shall read about the same in the upcoming articles for you to know People® better!

However, you can click for details and simplify your daily work activities by being on People®!

Most Reliable Automated Payroll System!

Every Payroll team faces the problem of making mistakes in calculations. Hence, People® offers you exciting Payroll features that convert your manual payroll process into a smart and automatic system.

With People®, you can now avoid errors in calculation, and experience an easy and automatic Payroll process that helps your work gets done quicker and without any gaffes!

Let’s check out some exciting and easy to operate features offered to you by People®:

Salary Structure Management: India’s most trusted Payroll Software that offers you the best Configurable salary structure!

TDS Calculations: Why to waste time in manual calculations when you can do Automatic TDS calculation as per the latest income tax rules! We also offer ready-made Provisional form 16 to make your work easier!

TDS Declaration: Get the steps with complete guidance of the TDS Declaration process and submit investment and proposals in a single click!

Salary Loan & Recovery: Help your employees with loans based on the salary amounts and have easy recovery by setting flexible dates. Helps you keep a record when you offer your employees with Salary Loan! You can also check the recovery status with a single click!

Payroll Generation: People® has made the Payroll process easier and accurate. A perfect HRMS for Payroll Generation!

Payroll MIS: One single feature that helps you generate Salary Slips, Relieving letters, Full, and Final (FnF) Letters, helps you maintain the Attendance Register, and guides you with the easiest way to create and maintain the Salary Register!

Compliance Documents: Making it easy for documentation and management of PF, ESIC, LWF which is the most critical part of statutory payroll deductions and statutory employee deductions. People® will help you with PT Challan, TDS Challan, LWF Challan, ESIC Challan Import File, EPF ECR Import File, TDS Quarterly Returns with Form 24Q and Form 26Q, PF monthly and yearly returns, and ESIC monthly and yearly returns!  

All this in a single HRMS! People® is known to make the HR process simple and effective with zero errors!

For more details click and be a part of 6000+ companies worldwide using People®!

Simplify your Payroll Process with People®!

The biggest challenge that any payroll team faces is to perform with zero errors and finish the work before the deadline. When the work is time-based, any human can make errors. Especially while calculating several amounts manually.

Hence, People® offers you a helping hand to simplify your payroll process. With People®, you will experience an error-free payroll process that will get your work done faster than before!

People® also offers you an entire automatic TDS calculation feature to make the error count zero for you. Not just this, but People® also offers you features that can be customized as per your requirements.

People® makes the most critical parts of the payroll process simple for you. For example, with People®, you can view and generate payroll for the employees based on the predefined salary structure. You can also download the salary register, and all salary slips in a go and view historical payroll information too. People® also helps you with auto PF and ESIC calculations to get your work done faster. 

So why wait and follow the long and tiring manual payroll process when you can simply log on to People® and get your payroll work simplified!

Hurry! Click now for more details!

A strong Training Matrix system which helps you in tracking the training activities in your company!

Training is the first step in any job. We all know that training never ends in our work life. Training helps you be updated on each level. Hence, being trained on updates continues with your throughout work life. No matter what designation you are on, you have to be updated with new technologies or work processes to progress and develop you and your company.

It is also important to keep a track of which employee is up for what training, and also to track the progress of the same. 

Hence, in order to set things right, you need a strong Training Matrix that can help you in tracking the training activities in your company.

People® is known as the most trustworthy HRMS today. People® is an affordable and very reliable HRMS that offers you multiple features that everyone can furnish and move into the future of operating Smart!

With People® Training Matrix, the managers can track the development of the training of their teammates and can act accordingly in the process.

It is always great to get vital data right on your screen in a single click. People® is one of the best and seasoned HRMS that is available PAN India and is liked by many companies listed in the Fortune 500s too!

The first process after hiring a candidate is his/her training! There are multiple ways of training your employees. After joining a company, the employees go through the process of training. Fresher employees go through the fresher’s training program which helps them understand the company and their work better.

However, we all know that companies believe in growing, discovering, and trying new ways of working. At times, the companies also have to train their employees as per their client’s needs.

The training period not just begins when a candidate joins the company, but the training time may repeat itself in various forms throughout the employee’s career in the organization.

There are certain performance parameters highlighted for all the employees. However, there are a few giveaways for those who are in their training period.

So how do the HRs keep track of which employee is on which training? Well…They usually follow the email process to keep track of the same. But is email check the only option?

It is easy to have a list right on your screen which can prompt you about the training process. Yes! With People®, you can know which employee is on which training and for how many days or months.

For the new birds, the HR can update which employee is undergoing which training in which department and process. Just like that, the respective Managers can also update which employee is on client training, or any other training if required. Once the Managers update the names of the candidate, the HRs can view the data in People®’s Training Matrix!

This helps the HRs to make the progress reports of the employees accordingly, and it also helps the Payroll team in distributing the salaries accordingly.

So why wait? Let us leave the habit of maintaining hard files and join the Smart world with People®! Click for more details!

The best Report Designer!

The HR department in each organization has to produce reports associated with their profession. Constructing error-free reports requires a lot of attention and time.

As the reports are transferred to higher management, the employees cannot bear to make any blunders while preparing the reports.

Reports mean everything! Your job, your promotion, your appraisal, and various additional things depend on the way you dress your reports. Also, your reports give a precise idea of your work rate in the company.

We develop numerous reports and spend a lot of time making each one every day or weekly or monthly. We all acknowledge that report generation requires time and stress.

However, it’s not the same for companies who are practicing with People® for their HR activities!

With People®, you will find pre-made reports that hold data specific to your company. This is excellent for building custom reports that can be noticeable to the whole company or a selected few.

This helps you create reports faster. With the help of People®, it takes fewer struggles to generate reports on your end. You can solely go leading with People® for building detailed reports.

People® has been known as the most intelligent HRMS you can ever have. People® combines versatile features, all under one roof!

You can be a part of People®, by clicking to know more!