When you run a business with 1000s of employees working with you, it is not easy to manage all the payroll-related activities manually. There is always a risk of losing the vital data which is stored on your computer. Also, your employees in the HR department cannot physically do the payroll activities for 1000s of … Continue reading "The most trustworthy Payroll Management System!"
Read MoreAs People® believes in providing you a great user experience and as we promised, here we are with an exciting release for May 2021! 1. Miscellaneous enhancements around authorization rules: Option to set a rule to auto-approve/decline the request after X days of a request. Separate option added to add target employee’s manager/additional manager as … Continue reading "Welcome to People® May 2021 Release!"
Read MoreWhen you administer a company with 1000s of employees working with you, it is not easy to manage all the payroll related activities manually. There is always a risk of losing the vital data which is stored on your computer. Various companies create their software for payroll. However, everyone is knowledgeable about the set of preserving … Continue reading "Your Payroll Process will become faster and error-free with People®!"
Read MoreMany companies still choose to work from home to avoid bringing COVID-19 at home. It is the safest thing to do. However, some companies have started their offices with reduced staff. This means, 30% (more or less) of employees will operate from the office and the rest from home. It is very challenging for the … Continue reading "People® offers you a comfortable experience while you Work From Home!"
Read MoreUnlike many other HR management software present in today’s market, People® is one of the favorites amongst all! There are certain reasons in People® that make it a perfect software for companies to manage multiple activities. But the biggest reason is its user-friendliness and futuristic features that make People® stand apart from all the other … Continue reading "HRMS that provides all solutions in one place!"
Read MoreEvery Payroll team faces the problem of making mistakes in calculations. Hence, People® offers you exciting Payroll features that convert your manual payroll process into a smart and automatic system. With People®, you can now avoid errors in calculation, and experience an easy and automatic Payroll process that helps your work gets done quicker and … Continue reading "Most Reliable Automated Payroll System!"
Read MoreFor you to have a superb experience, People® brings to you the release for April 2021! Timesheet & Assignments: Miscellaneous enhancements around assignments: – Admins can submit the assignments on behalf of employees who have left already. Earned Leave and other event requests: Miscellaneous enhancements around Leave Authorization: – A filter has been added for … Continue reading "Here we are with People® April 2021 Release!"
Read MoreThe biggest challenge that any payroll team faces is to perform with zero errors and finish the work before the deadline. When the work is time-based, any human can make errors. Especially while calculating several amounts manually. Hence, People® offers you a helping hand to simplify your payroll process. With People®, you will experience an … Continue reading "Simplify your Payroll Process with People®!"
Read MoreTraining is the first step in any job. We all know that training never ends in our work life. Training helps you be updated on each level. Hence, being trained on updates continues with your throughout work life. No matter what designation you are on, you have to be updated with new technologies or work … Continue reading "A strong Training Matrix system which helps you in tracking the training activities in your company!"
Read MoreThe HR department in each organization has to produce reports associated with their profession. Constructing error-free reports requires a lot of attention and time. As the reports are transferred to higher management, the employees cannot bear to make any blunders while preparing the reports. Reports mean everything! Your job, your promotion, your appraisal, and various additional things depend … Continue reading "The best Report Designer!"
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