Unlock the Power of Your Workforce with PeopleHR India: Your Ultimate HR Partner

Managing employee records can be a daunting task for any organization, but with the right tools and software, it can be made significantly easier. One such tool that stands out from the rest is PeopleHR India, an employee database management software that simplifies the entire HR process. In this blog, we will explore the various features and benefits of PeopleHR India.

Employee Database: The cornerstone of any HR system is the employee database. With PeopleHR India, you can store all employee data in one place, making it easy to access and manage. From personal details to employment information, you can easily enter and track every piece of information related to an employee. Additionally, the audit control on all fields allows you to monitor changes made to employee data and the reason for the change.

Onboarding New Employees: Onboarding new employees can be a time-consuming process, but with PeopleHR India, it’s a breeze. The system offers a simple wizard to onboard new employees. Once the employee account is activated, the employee can complete their part of the onboarding formalities.

Employee List & Navigation: With a comprehensive employee list and navigation system, you can quickly locate any employee in the organization. With various search, filter, and sort options, finding an employee’s record is a breeze. Additionally, you can navigate all employee records one after the other in sequence from the search results.

Custom Screens (LogBook): PeopleHR India offers great flexibility in customizing the system to meet your specific needs. You can design custom forms to capture additional custom information against the employee record. This feature is particularly useful for capturing information unique to your organization.

Customized Access Rights & Permissions: With PeopleHR India, you can customize the access and rights of employees down to each functionality level. This feature gives you complete control over what data employees can see and what functionalities they can perform.

User-Friendly Experience: PeopleHR India offers a truly user-friendly experience. The software is designed to be easy to use, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate and find what you need. Additionally, the system is available on any device, making it accessible from anywhere.

In conclusion, PeopleHR India is the best employee record management system available today. It simplifies the entire HR process, from onboarding new employees to managing employee records. With its user-friendly interface, customizable access rights, and logbook feature, PeopleHR India is the perfect solution for any organization looking to streamline their HR processes.

Why wait? Click https://peoplehrindia.com/contact-us now to contact us!

Expense Management Made Effortless with PeopleHR India!

As businesses grow, managing employee expenses becomes increasingly complex. From travel to office supplies to client meetings, there are a variety of expenses that employees may incur on behalf of the company. Keeping track of these expenses and processing reimbursements can be a tedious and time-consuming task for HR departments. However, with PeopleHR India, organizing expense claims and reimbursements can be done conveniently and efficiently.

PeopleHR India is a cloud-based HR management system that helps organizations streamline their HR processes. The platform offers a wide range of features, including expense management. With PeopleHR India’s expense management module, employees can easily submit their expense claims and HR departments can easily process reimbursements.

The process of submitting an expense claim is straightforward. Employees can log in to the PeopleHR India portal and access the expense claim feature. They can then fill in the details of their expense claim, including the expense category, date, amount, and any supporting documentation, such as receipts or invoices. Once the claim is submitted, it is automatically routed to the appropriate manager for approval.

One of the key benefits of using PeopleHR India for expense management is that the platform provides a high degree of visibility into the approval process. Managers can see all of the expense claims that are pending approval and can quickly approve or reject them with a few clicks. They can also leave comments or request additional information if needed.

Once an expense claim is approved, PeopleHR India makes it easy to process the reimbursement. HR departments can quickly generate a reimbursement report for each employee, which includes all of the approved expenses. The report can then be submitted to the finance department for processing.

In addition to streamlining the expense claim process, PeopleHR India also offers a variety of other features that can help HR departments manage expenses more effectively. For example, the platform allows organizations to set up expense policies and rules, which can help ensure that employees are only claiming expenses that are within company guidelines. This can help reduce the likelihood of fraud or abuse.

PeopleHR India also provides detailed reporting and analytics on employee expenses. HR departments can quickly generate reports on things like the most common types of expenses, the departments that are incurring the most expenses, and the employees who are submitting the most claims. This information can be used to identify areas where expenses can be reduced or to make more informed decisions about budgeting.

Another benefit of using PeopleHR India for expense management is that the platform integrates with a variety of other tools that HR departments may be using. For example, it can integrate with accounting software to streamline the reimbursement process, or with travel booking tools to automatically pull in expenses related to business travel.

In conclusion, managing employee expenses can be a daunting task, but with PeopleHR India, it can be done easily and conveniently. The platform’s expense management module streamlines the process of submitting and approving expense claims, and its reporting and analytics features provide valuable insights into employee expenses. Whether your organization is small or large, using PeopleHR India for expense management can help you save time, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with company policies.

6 Reasons Why PeopleHR India is the Best HRMS for Performance and Appraisal Management!

As organizations grow and become more complex, managing employee performance and appraisals can become increasingly difficult. With a growing number of employees, the need for a reliable and efficient performance and appraisal management system becomes critical. This is where PeopleHR India comes in, as it is considered one of the best HRMS to handle performance and appraisal management.

PeopleHR India is an online HR management system that allows businesses to manage their human resources, including payroll, benefits, and performance and appraisal management. It is designed to help organizations streamline their HR processes and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Here are some of the reasons why PeopleHR India is the best HRMS for managing employee performance and appraisals:

  1. User-Friendly Interface

PeopleHR India has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for HR managers and employees to use. The system is easy to navigate, and the performance and appraisal management module is intuitive and easy to understand. This means that HR managers can quickly set up and manage performance appraisals, and employees can easily access and review their performance data.

  1. Comprehensive Performance Management System

PeopleHR India’s performance management system is comprehensive, covering all aspects of performance management, including goal setting, performance tracking, feedback, and appraisal. The system allows HR managers to set performance goals and track employee progress towards those goals. It also allows employees to receive regular feedback on their performance, helping them improve their skills and achieve their goals.

  1. Customizable Appraisal Process

PeopleHR India’s performance and appraisal management module is highly customizable, allowing HR managers to create their own performance appraisal processes. This means that organizations can tailor their performance appraisal processes to their specific needs and goals, ensuring that the appraisal process is relevant and effective.

  1. Automated Appraisal Process

PeopleHR India’s performance and appraisal management module is fully automated, which means that HR managers can set up the appraisal process and let the system handle the rest. The system can automatically send reminders to employees to complete their appraisals, and it can generate reports on employee performance, making it easy for HR managers to evaluate employee performance.

  1. Real-Time Performance Analytics

PeopleHR India’s performance and appraisal management module provides real-time performance analytics, giving HR managers access to up-to-date data on employee performance. This means that HR managers can make informed decisions based on real-time data, helping them to identify areas for improvement and take corrective action when necessary.

  1. Seamless Integration

PeopleHR India seamlessly integrates with other HR systems, including payroll and benefits management systems. This means that HR managers can easily access all employee data in one place, streamlining their HR processes and improving efficiency.

In conclusion, PeopleHR India is the best HRMS for managing employee performance and appraisals. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive performance management system, customizable appraisal process, automated appraisal process, real-time performance analytics, and seamless integration with other HR systems make it the ideal solution for businesses of all sizes. With PeopleHR India, HR managers can streamline their HR processes, improve efficiency, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Click https://peoplehrindia.com/contact-us now for more details!

Revolutionize Your Payroll Management with PeopleHR India’s Innovative HRMS!

Managing payroll-related activities manually can be a daunting task when you are running a business with thousands of employees. It can lead to data loss and errors, and your HR team may not be able to handle the payroll activities for such a large workforce. This can result in significant man-hours, which can be better utilized elsewhere in the organization.

While many companies have developed payroll software, such software can be challenging to maintain, and there is always a risk of data misplacement or hacking. To address these concerns, PeopleHR India has developed an innovative HRMS that simplifies your daily HR needs, including payroll management.

The payroll feature of PeopleHR India is unmatched, making it the preferred choice for many companies listed in the Fortune 500s. With this feature, you can easily view and generate payroll for employees based on a predefined salary structure. You can also download salary registers and all salary slips at once, view historical payroll information, and perform auto PF and ESIC calculations with a single click.

By adopting PeopleHR India’s smart HR operations, you can streamline your payroll management and significantly reduce the workload of your HR team. So why wait? Embrace the world of smart HR operations today with PeopleHR India’s cutting-edge payroll feature.

So why wait to enter the world of smart HR operations? Click https://peoplehrindia.com/contact-us now for more info!

8 reasons why PeopleHR India is the most reliable HRMS in India today!

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) software has become an essential tool for businesses in India to manage their human resource operations effectively. With the rise in competition, businesses need to manage their human resources optimally to remain competitive. PeopleHR India is one of the most reliable HRMS software in India today. It is an end-to-end HR management solution that has been designed to automate HR operations and improve employee engagement. In this blog, we will explore why PeopleHR India is the most reliable HRMS software in India today.

  1. Comprehensive HR Management Solution

PeopleHR India is an all-in-one HR management solution that provides a comprehensive set of tools to manage every aspect of HR operations. The software includes modules for recruitment, performance management, time and attendance tracking, payroll management, employee onboarding, and more. The software is customizable, which allows businesses to tailor it to their specific needs.

  1. Easy to Use Interface

PeopleHR India has an easy-to-use interface that requires minimal training. The software’s user-friendly design allows businesses to start using it immediately without any complications. The interface is intuitive, and users can quickly navigate through the various modules.

  1. Robust Reporting Capabilities

PeopleHR India has robust reporting capabilities that allow businesses to generate customized reports. The software can generate reports on employee performance, attendance, payroll, and other critical HR metrics. These reports can help businesses make informed decisions and optimize their human resources.

  1. Cloud-based

PeopleHR India is a cloud-based HRMS software, which means that it is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses with multiple locations or a remote workforce. With PeopleHR India, employees can access their HR information from anywhere, making it easier to manage their HR operations.

  1. Data Security

Data security is a critical concern for any HRMS software. PeopleHR India takes data security seriously and uses robust security measures to ensure that data is protected. The software uses secure servers and encrypts all data to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, the software has regular backups, which ensures that data is always safe.

  1. Affordable

PeopleHR India is an affordable HRMS software that offers a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. The software’s pricing is based on the number of employees, which makes it accessible for small and medium-sized businesses. The software’s pricing structure is transparent, and there are no hidden costs or fees.

  1. Customer Support

PeopleHR India provides excellent customer support to its clients. The software’s customer support team is available 24/7 to address any concerns or issues that businesses may have. The support team is knowledgeable and experienced, and they can provide quick solutions to any problem.

  1. Scalability

PeopleHR India is a scalable HRMS software that can grow with businesses. The software can accommodate an increasing number of employees, making it suitable for businesses that are expanding. Additionally, the software can be customized to meet the specific needs of businesses, which ensures that it remains relevant as businesses evolve.

In conclusion, PeopleHR India is the most reliable HRMS software in India today. Its comprehensive set of features, user-friendly interface, robust reporting capabilities, cloud-based nature, data security, affordability, customer support, and scalability make it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. With PeopleHR India, businesses can optimize their human resources and improve employee engagement, which can result in improved productivity and increased profitability.

Benefits of using the RIGHT HRMS!

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a software application that helps companies manage their human resources-related tasks and activities. These systems have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to streamline HR processes, improve productivity, and provide valuable insights into employee performance. In this blog post, we will explore some of the benefits of using the right HRMS.

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity

The primary benefit of using an HRMS is increased efficiency and productivity. HRMS automates many of the administrative tasks that HR professionals must handle manually, such as time and attendance tracking, payroll processing, and benefits administration. By automating these processes, HR professionals can spend more time on strategic initiatives and other important tasks that require their expertise.

  1. Improved data accuracy and reporting

HRMS also helps improve data accuracy and reporting. Manual data entry is prone to errors, which can lead to costly mistakes in payroll processing and benefits administration. HRMS eliminates these errors by automating the process, ensuring that the data entered is accurate and up-to-date. This, in turn, helps improve reporting accuracy, giving HR professionals and managers the data they need to make informed decisions.

  1. Enhanced compliance with laws and regulations

HRMS can also help companies stay compliant with laws and regulations. HRMS software includes features that help companies manage compliance requirements such as minimum wage laws, overtime regulations, and tax requirements. These features ensure that companies are adhering to legal requirements and avoiding penalties and fines.

  1. Improved employee engagement and satisfaction

HRMS can also improve employee engagement and satisfaction. By automating tasks such as time and attendance tracking, HR professionals can spend more time on employee engagement initiatives such as employee recognition programs and performance management. HRMS also provides employees with self-service tools such as online benefits enrollment, which can improve employee satisfaction and reduce the workload on HR professionals.

  1. Streamlined recruitment and onboarding

HRMS can also streamline the recruitment and onboarding process. Many HRMS systems include applicant tracking and onboarding modules that help companies manage the entire hiring process, from job postings to onboarding. By streamlining these processes, HR professionals can hire candidates faster and more efficiently, reducing the time-to-hire and increasing productivity.

  1. Improved workforce planning and analytics

HRMS can also provide valuable insights into employee performance and workforce planning. Many HRMS systems include analytics and reporting tools that help HR professionals identify trends and make data-driven decisions. These insights can help companies identify areas for improvement, track performance metrics, and make informed decisions about workforce planning.

  1. Enhanced security and data privacy

HRMS can also enhance security and data privacy. Many HRMS systems include features such as multi-factor authentication and data encryption, which help ensure that employee data is secure and protected from unauthorized access. This is especially important in today’s digital age, where data breaches and cyber attacks are becoming more common.

In conclusion, using the right HRMS can provide numerous benefits for companies of all sizes. By automating administrative tasks, improving data accuracy and reporting, staying compliant with laws and regulations, improving employee engagement and satisfaction, streamlining recruitment and onboarding, providing valuable insights into employee performance and workforce planning, and enhancing security and data privacy, HRMS can help companies become more efficient, productive, and successful.

These 12 features in your HRMS will offer you the most reliable and error-free management in your daily HR activities!

PeopleHR India is one of those HRMS that offers your multiple features in a single Software, and that too at an affordable price!

PeopleHR India is also best to use from any location. i.e. you can easily work from home or office using PeopleHR India!

PeopleHR India builds a beneficial and secure working atmosphere not just for your HR department, but also for your entire staff. So let’s go ahead and see the features of PeopleHR India that are on offer for you while you work from home or office!

1) Payroll: View and generate employee payroll based on the predefined salary structure. Download the salary register and all salary slips in a go. View historical payroll information and auto PF and ESIC calculations.

2) Automated & customized workflows: Workflows are easy to build with this feature and can perform hundreds of actions using any employee data set. It allows you to see your workflow dashboard and also includes an easy process builder.

3) Manager Access: Saves more time by assigning permissions to your senior management team. Let them authorize holidays, edit timesheets, add appraisals, and more.

4) Employee Performance: Motivate your employees to meet their targets and develop their skills. Track your results, and keep getting better. It helps you to measure, react, and improve.

5) Report Designer: You will find pre-made reports that include data specific to your company. This is perfect for building custom reports that can be visible to the whole company or a selected few.

6) Training Matrix: Add a training scheme to an employee’s record, and watch the progress bar fill up from your Training Matrix.

7) Holiday Planning & Absence Tracking: Approve holiday requests from your browser and Track absence and track negative trends before they have a chance to get any bigger.

8) Applicant Tracking System: Attract the best candidates, and move them through your pipeline. It helps you attract, identify, and recruit.

9) Employee Self–Service: Self-service helps you empower your people. Your staff can log in and edit information. You can also audit any changes if required.

10) Task Lists: Take your task list anywhere, with a traffic light color system to tell you what’s done, what’s due, and what’s overdue.

11) Alerts & Reminders: Never forget another appraisal, back-to-work interview, or birthday ever again.

12) Employee Clock In & Out: Allows employees to clock in and out whenever they are off their desks.

With PeopleHR India, you can convert your HR operations into smart and easy operations! To be a part of PeopleHR India, click https://peoplehrindia.com/contact-us now!

Top 10 features you should look for in your HRMS for easy Leave and Attendance management!

We always feel troubled when we apply for a holiday. Just like us, even the approver is troubled. As the approver has to go through certain formalities before approving your leaves, the entire approval process may take longer.

So, what if we have a system that can help us, and the approvers to check and approve leaves faster? Wouldn’t that be a quick process? It may seem easy, but managing Absence and Attendance Tracking, checking Logging Time and Attendance, setting Annual Leave Entitlements, and booking holidays are not as easy as they sound like.

Hence, we have People® for the rescue!

With People®, applying for leaves, and managing all the attendance records will be more flexible. People® is one of its kind leave and attendance management software that offers you a surpassing user experience! With People® leave and attendance management, you can manage the leaves and attendance from any device! People® employee attendance and leave management system is the best software that offers you to plan and approve leaves easily and track the attendance in a single click! Hence, when it comes to using the most suitable leave and attendance management system, go for People®!

Let’s see what features does the People® Leave and Attendance Management System has to offer for you!

1: Absence and Attendance Tracking: Easily track the absence and attendance of each employee.

2: Easy Clock-in and out: You can manually clock in and out using mobile and web applications.

3: Automatic clock-in and out: When the employee enters inside the geo-fence, they will automatically get clocked-in, and out when exiting the geo-fence

4: iBeacon: Employees will get clocked-in when they reach the Ibeacon range.

5: QR Code-based clock in and out: Easily clock-in and out by scanning the QR code.

6: Google maps capturing: The lat/long and address from Google maps can be captured while the employees clock-in and out.

7: Biometric: When the employees clock in and out easily via biometric, the same gets automatically registered in the system.

8: Logging Time and Attendance: Easily manage your employee’s time and attendance with inbuilt features to manage the timesheets, work pattern, Tapin/Tapout (web and mobile-based)

9: Annual Leave Entitlement: The simplest way to set the annual leave entitlement cycle.

10: Book Holidays: Plan your holidays and get them approved faster. This feature offers you easy navigation to book your leaves.

Why wait! Click https://peoplehrindia.com/contact-us now to contact us!

Experience super efficiency in your daily Payroll tasks with PeopleHR India!

The biggest challenge that any payroll team faces is to perform with zero errors and finish the work before the deadline. When the work is time-based, any human can make errors. Especially while calculating several amounts manually.

Hence, PeopleHR India offers you a helping hand to simplify your payroll process. With PeopleHR India, you will experience an error-free payroll process that will get your work done faster than before!

PeopleHR India also offers you an entire automatic TDS calculation feature to make the error count zero for you. Not just this, but PeopleHR India also offers you features that can be customized as per your requirements.

PeopleHR India makes the most critical parts of the payroll process simple for you. For example, with PeopleHR India, you can view and generate payroll for the employees based on the predefined salary structure. You can also download the salary register, and all salary slips in a go and view historical payroll information too. PeopleHR India also helps you with auto PF and ESIC calculations to get your work done faster. 

So why wait and follow the long and tiring manual payroll process when you can simply log on to PeopleHR India and get your payroll work simplified!

Hurry! Click https://peoplehrindia.com/contact-us now for more details!

Select the perfect HRMS for your company!

Unlike many other HR management software present in today’s market, PeopleHR India is one of the favorites amongst all!

There are certain reasons in PeopleHR India that make it a perfect software for companies to manage multiple activities. But the biggest reason is its user-friendliness and futuristic features that make PeopleHR India stand apart from all the other software!

PeopleHR India is made of all the bits HR has been missing for years. It’s us giving you the stuff we never had but wished we did. It’s a revolution, and we’re proud to have started it. Hence, let’s go through the article that will interest you and give you the needed information about PeopleHR India!

Everything you need to know about HR Management software:

PeopleHR India is made of all the bits HR has been missing for years. It’s us giving you the stuff we never had but wished we did. It’s a revolution, and we’re proud to have started it. PeopleHR India is a unique yet friendly HR system software that has transformed human resource management software to its core for better and flawless performance! PeopleHR India is built to simplify your daily HR activities for a transcendental experience in your daily work activities!

PeopleHR India is used by many clients worldwide and is described as a modernized HR system software, human resource management software, HR management software, employee management system, & the best performance management system in its class!

There are plenty of other reasons why companies like to use PeopleHR India in their daily work activities. We shall read about the same in the upcoming articles for you to know PeopleHR India better!

However, you can click https://peoplehrindia.com/contact-us for details and simplify your daily work activities by being on PeopleHR India!